Pilot and Feasibility Project Grants Call


Please note that single-cell pilot and feasibility projects should be discussed with the participating cores before the application.  Our single-cell expert Diana Burkart-Waco, PhD, (dburkart@ucdavis.edu) will be available for pilot grant project related discussions.  To include the other cores please contact Matt Settles (settles@ucdavis.edu ; Bioinformatics) and Bridget McLaughlin (bmclaughlin@ucdavis.edu; Flow-Cytometry).  The feasibility grant will support the analysis of one sample for the 10X Genomics protocol and one or two plate of single-cells for the 96-well plate based protocol.


The Office of Research has issued a program supporting pilot and feasibility projects for UC Davis investigators and Campus Research Core Facilities.

Our DNA Technologies and Expression Analysis Cores are enrolled in the CRCF Pilot and Feasibility Program for single-cell gene expressions studies.
Hereby we are collaborating with both the Bioinformatics Core and the Flowcytometry Core.

Single-cell gene expressions studies reveal expression changes that are undetectable via conventional RNA-seq from tissue samples.  The latter can only provide transcriptome data averages for the entire sample, confounding transcripts of multiple cell types and cell-cycle stages.  In contrast single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) allows to resolve the cellular heterogeneity.

The DNA Technologies Core offers two protocols for scRNA-seq:

  1. Multi-well plate-based scRNA-seq library prep and sequencing (e.g. after flow-sorting).
  2. Droplet-based high-throughput scRNA-seq library prep and sequencing (using the 10X Genomics system)
  • Please inquire with the Flowcytometry Core if your project will involve cell-sorting.
    The Bioinformatics Core has lot of experience in single-cell data analysis. Both cores will aim to support Pilot and Feasibility Project Grant applications for their efforts.
  • The DNA Technologies Core must provide an estimate for services that you apply for, so please contact dnatech@ucdavis.edu before you apply to the Campus Program for Pilot and Feasibility Project Grant funds
  • For more details please see the call at this page:
  • Award preference will be given to projects that will generate long-term use, preliminary data for a new extramural grant or manuscript submissions. Funding from this program will be granted to Academic Senate and Academic Federation members with PI status with the following constraints:
  • (1) Who have not used the requested facility in the past 2 years, or
  • (2) Investigators who will explore the utilization of equipment and services offered by the facility that they have not used before
  • These funds must be utilized within 12 months.
  • Please direct administrative questions to dmporter@ucdavis.edu .

Application deadlines are:  March 23;  June 15; September 14; & December 14, 2018

For all other types of projects, please use the Genome Center pilot grants or our regular fee-based services.

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