DNA Technologies Core: Prices 2018

The Genome Center Cores provide services at three recharge rate scales. The University of California rate scale (UC rates) do apply to all projects paid from UC-system accounts. Non-profit/academic rates do apply to all other non-profit research including government projects. The industry rates apply to all projects paid from for-profit businesses or institutions.  No taxes will apply to these rates.

Illumina Sequencing Packages
(these include library preparation and sequencing; lots of other services are listed below)
UC Rate Non-Profit Rate Industry Rate
Whole Genome Shotgun Sequencing – library prep and PE150 bp sequencing
to 30X human genome coverage (96 Gb for other genomes)
1000  a 1260  a 1325  a
Human Exome Sequencing – library prep (IDT xGen Exome Research Panel v1.0), enrichment, and PE150 bp sequencing
80x coverage; 39 Mb target; minimum 8 samples
200  a 252  a 265  a
RNA-Seq package (conventional mRNA-Seq, poly-A;strand-specific: library prep & 25 million PE reads) 200  a 252  a 265  a
Batch-Tag-Seq (RNA-Seq)3’Tag-Seq Gene Expression Profiling
both library prep & sequencing; minimum 8 samples
104   163  a 201  a
Batch-Tag-Seq (RNA-Seq) & Data AnalysisGene Expression Profiling & Data Analysis
library prep & sequencing & DGE analysis; minimum 8 samples; in part billed by Bioinformatics
184  b 289  b 355   b
Add-on Illumina sequencing: 10Gb/35million PE150bp reads (for genomic or RNA-seq libraries, or their pools, prepared by the Core) 100  a 126  a 133  a
High Throughput Sequencing Service Rates – Per Lane or Cell
(prices include qPCR library pool quant. and index reads*)
UC Rate Non-Profit Rate Industry Rate
Illumina HiSeq 4000  – SR50 or SR100 Single Read Sequencing; 50 or 100 cycles
Illumina Specs: 260-310 million CPF; frequent yields: 320-405 million CPF; average ~375 CPF ***
1127 1753 2156
Illumina HiSeq 4000  – PE100 or PE150 Paired End Sequencing; 2x 100 or 2x 150 cycles
Illumina Specs: 260-310 million CPF; frequent yields: 320-405 million CPF; average ~375 CPF ***
2244 3523 4346
Illumina NovaSeq S4 –  per single lane; PE150;
Illumina Specs: 2.5 to 3 billion CPF per lane; 750–900 Gb per lane*** 
6400  a 8064  a 8480  a
Illumina NovaSeq SP 500-cycle (PE250) –  per  lane;
Illumina Specs: 325 to 450 million CPF; 160–225 Gb per lane
3200  a 4000  a 5000  a
Illumina MiSeq 50 cycles v2; special order SR50 or PE25 (per run) 987 1535 1888
Illumina MiSeq 150 cycles v3 SR150 or PE75 (per run) 1067 1659 2041
Illumina MiSeq 300 cycles v2 SR300 or PE150 (per run) 1208 1878 2311
Illumina MiSeq 500 cycles v2 PE250 (per run) 1265 1967 2420
Illumina MiSeq 600 cycles v3 PE300 (per run) 1716 2669 3283
Illumina MiSeq Nano 300 cycles PE150; special order; Illumina Specs: 1 million CPF*** 492 a 773 a 953 a
Illumina MiSeq Nano 500 cycles PE250; special order; Illumina Specs: 1 million CPF*** 557 a 875 a 1079 a
Illumina MiSeq Micro 300 cycles PE150; special order; Illumina Specs: 4 million CPF*** 648  a 1017  a 1255  a
Illumina NextSeq High-Output 75 cycles – PE40 or SE80
Illumina Specs: 330-400 million CPF; >500 million CPF possible ***
1624  a 2545  a 3140  a
Illumina NextSeq High-Output 150 cycles  – PE75 or SE150
Illumina Specs: 330-400 million CPF; >500 million CPF possible ***
2965  a 4655  a 5743  a
Illumina NextSeq High-Output 300 cycles  – PE150
Illumina Specs: 330-400 million CPF; >500 million CPF possible ***
4654  a 7306  a 9014  a
Illumina NextSeq Mid-Output 150 cycles – PE75 or SE150; Illumina Specs: 108-130 million; >150 million CPF possible *** 1227  a 1923  a 2376  a
Illumina NextSeq Mid-Output 300 cycles – PE150; Illumina Specs: 108-130 million; >150 million CPF possible *** 1873  a 2940  a 3628  a
Illumina NextSeq — customer cartridge sequencing – all run types *** 273  a 429  a 529  a
Add-on Illumina sequencing: each 10Gb/35million PE150bp reads (only for genomic or RNA-seq libraries, or their pools, prepared by the Core) 100  a 126  a 133  a
PacBio Sequencing of 1st Sequel SMRT cell V3 (new chemistry) – per library: 10hr run  ;  20hr LR run 1344   1516  a 2110   2380    a 2603   2937    a
PacBio Sequencing of a subsequent Sequel SMRT cells V3 (new chemistry) – per library: 10hr run  ;  20hr LR run 1172  ;  1348   a 1840   2116    a 2270   2611    a
Oxford Nanopore PromethION Sequencing and library prep for the 1st flowcell; larger projects: please inquire 2880  a 3629  a please inquire

* All Illumina sequencing runs include the sequencing of up to two index reads up to 8bp in length and demultiplexing.  Please contact dnatech@ucdavis.edu.
** In case you want to sequence infrequently used run-types (e.g. SE150) we would require you to use all 8 lanes of the HiSeq flow cell with your samples.  Please inquire.
***  CPF: Clusters passing filter. Each cluster generates one forward and, for paired-end sequencing only, one reverse read.  The yield metrics apply to standard balanced libraries like RNA-seq or genomic libraries.
a Preliminary rates (pending approval). Will be billed as “special consumables”.

Library Services* and HMW-DNA Preparation
(price per library including Library QC; sample QC provided by client or at additional cost through us)
UC Rate Non-Profit  Rate Industry  Rate
Genomic DNA Sequencing Library Preps (HT) requires samples at normalized concentrations) 80 124 153
NEW: SHT Pooled DNA Library Preps (per 96 normalized DNA samples in 96-well plate) 960  —  $10/sample  a 1507 —  $15.70/sample  a 1853  —  $19.30/sample  a
RNA-Seq Library Preps; Poly-A Enriched (HT) starting from 1, 12, or 24 libraries respectively 170 ; 130 ; 100 265 ; 203 ; 156 325 ; 249 ; 192
Ribo-depleted RNA (HT) – Ribo-depletion and strand-specific library prep 180 279 344
NEW:  3’Tag-Seq (RNA-Seq)gene expression profiling – e.g. Quant-Seq library preps only 80  a 126  a 155  a
NEW:  Batch-Tag-Seq (RNA-Seq)3’Tag-Seq gene expression profiling – library prep & sequencing (minimum 8 samples) 104  a   163  a 201  a
NEW:  Single-Cell RNA-Seq10X Genomics scRNA-seq library preps; up to 8 samples per day 1x $231 + $1836  per sample  a 1x $363 + $2883  per sample  a 1x $448 + $3557  per sample  a
Ultralow Input RNA-seq – Clontech SMART-Seq kit 262  a 411  a 507  a
micro RNA – miRNA-seq library prep including size-selection — up to 48 samples 1x $670 + $93  per sample  a 1x $1052 + $146  per sample  a 1x $1298 + $180  per sample  a
WGBS METHYL-seq Library Prep – whole-genome shotgun bisulfite seq 149  a 234  a 288  a
RRBS METHYL-seq Library Prep —  per 12 samples 1292  a  2028  a 2502  a
RR-Seq Library Prep – reduced representation, per 95 samples, plated 1450 2255 2774
NEW: 10X Chromium Genome Linked Read Library Preps; 10X Genomics 918  a 1441  a 1778  a
NEW: HMW DNA Isolation- for 10X, PacBio, and Nanopore sequencing; up to 4 samples (animal samples) 1x $594 + $100 per sample  a 1x $932 + $157 per sample  a 1x $1150 + $194 per sample  a
Mate-Pair Library Prep, Gel-Free – including one or two tagmentation reactions respectively; for low inputs; without MP size selection 450 ; 650 700 ; 1011 861 ; 1243
Mate-Pair Library Prep, Gel-Plus – including one or two tagmentation reactions respectively; with MP size selection 1450 ; 1750 2255 ; 2721 2774 ; 3348
Library Pooling (Qubit Quantification) – up to 6 samples 62 96 118
PacBio Express Library Prep w. size selection 426  a 669  a 826  a
PacBio Express Double-Library-Prep w. size selection 621  a 975  a 1203  a
PacBio SMRT Library Prep for most applications use Express library preps instead 470 731 899
PacBio SMRT Library Prep HT or amplicon – 6 or more libraries 345 536 660
PacBio Iso-Seq Library Prep  full length RNA-Seq — options for pooled preps; inquire 770  a 1208  a 1491  a
Blue Pippin Size Selection – up to 4 samples (PacBio), 5 samples (other) 137 213 262
Hi-C Library Preparation –  first and second sample, each currently unavailable 1690  a currently unavailable 2129  a currently unavailable due to NP sequencing demand
Hi-C Library Preparation – samples three to eight, each currently unavailable 574  a currently unavailable 723  a currently unavailable due to NP sequencing demand
RNA-Seq Data Analysis (Bioinformatics Core) &
incl. gene count tables & simple comparison DGE analyses
DGE Data Analysis Only for RNA-Seq, 3′-Tag-Seq, performed and billed by
(minimum 12 samples, requires reference genome and GTF gene annotation data)
80 — technical info 125 — technical info 154 — technical info
DNA/RNA & Library Quantification and QC Services UC Rate Non-Profit Rate Industry Rate
DNA Quantification (Qubit) up to 12 samples 62 96 118
Pico-Green DNA Quantification on Plate Reader up to 96 samples 144 224 275
Library Quantification (qPCR) per sample 23 36 44
Bioanalyzer Library QC per sample, 1-3 samples 34 53 65
Bioanalyzer HS DNA & Small RNA chips per set of 4-11 samples 118 184 226
Bioanalyzer DNA, RNA Pico & Nano chips up to 11 or 12 samples 98 152 187
Weekly RNA-QC on LabChip Gx Wednesdays: 2 sample minimum; cost per sample 5  a 7.80  a 9.70  a
LabChip Gx QC – up to 48 samples 246  a 333  a 471  a
LabChip Gx QC – up to 96 samples 398 617 761
Fluidigm EP1 System Genotyping UC Rate Non-Profit Rate Industry Rate
STA Pre-Amp per 192.24 IFC (chip) 281 437 537
Assay Processing per IFC (48.48, 96.96 or 192.24 chip) 464 721 887
Illumina Infinium II Genotyping – Microarrays UC Rate Non-Profit Rate Industry Rate
Assay Processing: 4 Chips same format 1088 1692 2081
Assay Processing: 8 Chips same format 1368 2128 2617
Miscellaneous UC Rate Non-Profit Rate Industry Rate
Instrumentation Training** 75 117 145
Equipment Use Fee per hour 20 32 39
Agilent Bioanalyzer Supplies per HS DNA or Small RNA chip 56 87 107
Agilent Bioanalyzer Supplies per RNA Nano/Pico/DNA 12k chip 36 56 69
LabChipGX Supplies per set of 48 samples
148 231 284
Blue Pippin Cartridge/Supplies 60 94 115
Labor Rate per hour 62 96 118

* Please consult the Sequencing and Sequencing Library pages for more details on these services.  All library preparation and package services include library QC and pooling. The sample QC can be provided by the client or will be carried out at additional cost by the Core. Additional services related to library normalization, bar-coding, and other manipulations are available – please contact (dnatech@ucdavis.edu). Fluidigm EP1 System genotyping prices are based on a combination of charges 1) Fluidigm materials and reagents, which will vary depending on the format and scale of the project, and 2) IFC chip assay processing costs (shown above). For detailed pricing information contact Vanessa Rashbrook VKRashbrook@ucdavis.eduInfinium genotyping prices are based on a combination of charges 1) Illumina materials & reagents and 2) chip processing costs. Please contact Vanessa Rashbrook VKRashbrook@ucdavis.edu for a quote.
** More information on training found at this site. Non-UCD users must submit a PO (customer name, institution, description of work, approx. $ amount, and PO#) before services can be initiated. In case of questions, please contact Jen Stevens at our Business Office Administration (JenStevens@ucdavis.edu). We now also accept credit cards. Prices current as of August 30th, 2017.
Preliminary rates (pending approval). Will be billed as “special consumables”.
Preliminary rates (pending approval). Will be billed as “special consumables”. $80 of this  will be billed by Bioinformatics Core.