February 8th, 9 a.m. – February 10th, 5 p.m. RNA-seq has revolutionized the way we address complex biological questions, allowing for differential gene expression, differential transcript analysis, as well as transcriptome assemblies. As sequencing output rapidly increases and sample numbers increase, library preparation…
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- Short-Read Sequencing Services – Illumina & Element Bio AVITI
- DNA Sequencing (whole-genome shotgun, targeted, amplicon, exome, ChIP, reduced-representation, Methyl, …)
- RNA-Sequencing (high-throughput mRNA-Seq, total RNA-seq, 3′-Tag-Seq, miRNA-seq, … )
- Gene Expression Profiling with 3′-Tag-Seq
- PacBio Revio Library Prep & Sequencing
- Nanopore Sequencing – PromethION
- Linked Read Sequencing – 10X Genomics Chromium Technology
- High Molecular Weight DNA Isolation (HMW-DNA)
- Sample and Library Requirements Tables
- DNA/RNA Quantification & Library QC
- DNA and RNA Extraction at the Taqman Core
- Single Cell Expression Profiling & Genomics (10X Genomics, Parse Biosciences, and Plate-based scRNA-Seq)
- Spatial Transcriptomics
- Genotyping – Illumina Infinium, Fluidigm EP1
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- Shared Equipment
- Booking Shared Instruments – Equipment Calendar
- Equipment Training & Use
- Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100
- FilterMax F5 Plate Reader
- Qubit Fluorometer
- Caliper LabChip GX (high-throughput Bioanalyzer)
- Nanodrop Spectrophotometer
- Sonicators
- BluePippin and PippinHT
- Robotic Liquid Handlers
- Fluidigm C1 – Single Cell Genomics
- Fluidigm Access Array
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