The latest long-read sequencing technology is now available at UC Davis. Our new PacBio Sequel IIsequencer is up an running.> The Sequel II increases the yield 8-fold compared to our previous Sequel (version 1). With this increase, PacBio sequencing is becoming about 5 times more affordable on the new…
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- Short-Read Sequencing Services – Illumina & Element Bio AVITI
- DNA Sequencing (whole-genome shotgun, targeted, amplicon, exome, ChIP, reduced-representation, Methyl, …)
- RNA-Sequencing (high-throughput mRNA-Seq, total RNA-seq, 3′-Tag-Seq, miRNA-seq, … )
- Gene Expression Profiling with 3′-Tag-Seq
- PacBio Revio Library Prep & Sequencing
- Nanopore Sequencing – PromethION
- Linked Read Sequencing – 10X Genomics Chromium Technology
- High Molecular Weight DNA Isolation (HMW-DNA)
- Sample and Library Requirements Tables
- DNA/RNA Quantification & Library QC
- DNA and RNA Extraction at the Taqman Core
- Single Cell Expression Profiling & Genomics (10X Genomics, Parse Biosciences, and Plate-based scRNA-Seq)
- Spatial Transcriptomics
- Genotyping – Illumina Infinium, Fluidigm EP1
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- Booking Shared Instruments – Equipment Calendar
- Equipment Training & Use
- Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100
- FilterMax F5 Plate Reader
- Qubit Fluorometer
- Caliper LabChip GX (high-throughput Bioanalyzer)
- Nanodrop Spectrophotometer
- Sonicators
- BluePippin and PippinHT
- Robotic Liquid Handlers
- Fluidigm C1 – Single Cell Genomics
- Fluidigm Access Array
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