How do I submit samples or libraries?

Please find all the required information on sample submissions and project scheduling on this page

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Do you provide Bioinformatics help?

This page informs on the data processing included with our sequencing services and bioinformatic analysis options. This page informs on the data processing options for Infinium genotyping data. Our neighbors from the Bioinformatics Core provide sequence data analysis, statistical evaluations, consulting, and

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When can I visit you / reach you?

We are available every workday from 9 am to 5 pm. We will be closed on university holidays.  These are listed here:

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How do I acknowledge your services?

Please support us by acknowledging our services in your publications. We have received NIH funding for the purchase of some of our instruments and this support should be mentioned. Please add a sentence like this to your acknowledgments: “The sequencing

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Do you ask for co-authorships?

We ask you to mention our services in the acknowledgments of your publications.  This will support our applications to instrumentation grants and thus help to improve our services. Please see the the details here. If you feel we contributed intellectually to your

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Where are you located?

We are Located in room #1410 of the GBSF building (the Genome Center). You can use the map link below Google Maps

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How do I get into the Genome Center Building?

The building front doors are open in the morning during business hours. After 5 pm please give us a call at 754-9143 and we will come and let you in. Our usual business hours are weekdays from 9 am to

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What happened to the BGI@UC DAVIS ?

The BGI@UCDavis was located in the School of Medicine on the Sacramento campus and did provide sequencing services for large scale sequencing projects up until September 2015. This BGI facility is now closed.  Since our DNA Technologies Core operates the latest generation of sequencers (HiSeq3000/4000),  which offers a 7

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Can I use Core facility equipment?

Several pieces of equipment are available for use during normal working hours for a nominal ‘instrument use’ fee. To use the Shared Equipment, first you will need to be trained by Core staff (these is a training fee per person). Your

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How do I get started working with the Core facilities? How do I set up an account with the Genome Center?

Please see this page: Getting Started. You will find information on how to set up an account, billing, data storage & distribution, scheduling, equipment & training, bulletins, research support, seed grants, and more.

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