Certainly. Please provide a Bioanalyzer profile (we can also generate these), and barcode sequence information in the sample submission form. We will check the quantity of your libraries using real-time PCR (included in the sequencing price). We suggest to submit your library in at least 15 ul volume at a minimum concentration of 5 nM. Please see the Sample Requirements page for details. Depending on the sequencing platform, we can work with less library (down to 1 nM), but the quantification becomes less reproducible, the library becomes less stable, and relatively larger amounts of the library get lost sticking to the tube. The best buffer to store and submit libraries is 10 mM Tris/0.01% Tween-20 ph=8.0 or 8.4, but EB buffer is also acceptable. Please use 1.5 ml low-retention tubes ( e.g. Eppendorf DNA LoBind). If you do not provide a Bioanalyzer profile of your library, we will carry out the QC for a fee.
Please note that for the HiSeq3000/HiSeq4000 the libraries should have fragment lengths not longer than 550 bases and few molecules longer than 670 bp.