Wednesday is RNA-QC day – starting in September

Wednesday is RNA-QC day  – starting in September

Assessing the integrity of RNA samples with the Bioanalyzer can be time consuming and expensive since each run takes an hour and only 12 RNA can samples can be run.
To make RNA QC more convenient and affordable we will be running one or more batches of RNA samples every Wednesday afternoon starting in September.
For UC Davis labs the cost per sample will be $5 (with a minimum of $10).

In order to generate usable data:

  • Provide sample names with an implicit order. The traces will identify the well position not sample names.
  • We will not adjust sample concentration or volumes.  It is your responsibility to meet the sample requirements.
  • submit total RNA samples in strip tubes (we can provide some in necessary) and a filled out QC submission form .
  • each RNA sample needs to have a volume 2 ul to 6 ul and and contain 30 ng to 250 ng total RNA (this is the amount not the concentration).

The LabChip GX will generate traces like the one below and RNA Quality Scores which are similar to the RIN scores provided by the Agilent Bioanalyzer and can be used interchangeably.
Please note that the capillary electrophoresis will be of lower resolution compared to the Bioanalyzer, but “good enough”.  There is also no dedicated quality score algorithm for plant samples. The scores produces are still realistic.



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