Can I use custom sequencing primers? What melting temperatures should these have?

Please note that custom sequencing primers are not supported by Illumina — the company will not replace sequencing kits on run failures. Nevertheless, custom sequencing primers can enable some unique assays. It is certainly worth exploring if assays can’t be

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Can I reserve a spot in the queue?

Unfortunately not.  The samples are put into library prep and sequencing queues after we have received both, the submission form and the sample.  Submission forms have to be submitted in hard-copy (accompanying the samples) and electronically (please email the spreadsheet forms to

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Do you store samples and sequencing libraries?

DNA samples and sequencing libraries will be stored at -20 degrees.  RNA samples will be stored at  -70 degrees C. However samples and libraries will only be stored for one year after sample submission.  Please notify us two days in advance

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Do you offer 16S sequencing and 18S sequencing?

We carry out a lot of 16S sequencing – almost daily – with customer prepared samples. If you generate barcoded amplicons yourself we will be happy to add Illumina adapters (required by some protocols) and sequence them on our MiSeqs.

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Sanger DNA sequencing and other services at UC Davis

The DNA Technologies and Expression Analysis Cores do not offer Sanger DNA Sequencing, but these services are available on campus. See the UC DNA Sequencing Facility or the CAES Genomics Facility for more information. There are multiple other service facilities that may

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When can I expect to get my data?

Work in the Core is performed on a “first come, first served” basis. HiSeq sequencing data will typically be delivered within about two to five weeks after library submission, while MiSeq has a 5-8 day turnaround time. The turnaround time can fluctuate

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Can I submit a library I made?

Certainly. Please provide a Bioanalyzer profile (we can also generate these), and barcode  sequence information in the sample submission form. We will check the quantity of your libraries using real-time PCR (included in the sequencing price). We suggest to submit your library in

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What type of library services are available through the Core?

We generate libraries for sequencing with Illumina and PacBio instruments. Illumina libraries include genomic DNA, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, micro RNA, small RNA, Methyl-seq, RRBS, and reduced representation libraries suitable for GBS analyses, Tag-Seq, and Tn-Seq. Please inquire with us if your protocol

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