02 Prices or Recharge Rates

Please check our Prices page for the complete list of pricing for genotyping and sequencing.

The Genome Center Cores provide services at three recharge rate scales. The University of California rate scale (UC rates) do apply to all projects paid through UC-system accounts. Non-profit/academic rates do apply to all other non-profit research including government projects. The industry rates apply to all projects paid from for-profit businesses or institutions.

The Genome Center Cores provide services at three recharge rate scales. The University of California rate scale (UC rates) applies to all projects paid through UC-system accounts. Non-profit/academic rates apply to all other non-profit research including government projects. The industry rates apply to all projects paid from for-profit businesses or institutions.  Please make sure that you have a PPMS account to place requests and to enable invoicing.
Upon arrival of the samples, the Core staff will enter the order in PPMS where you can review it. You will be notified by an email via PPMS.  You will be invoiced after you have received the data.

The invoicing process will vary slightly for UC Davis customers, other UC-system customers, and non-UC customers.

UC Davis customers:

  1. Once data are delivered to you, the project billing information will be entered into the secure PPMS system at https://ppms.us/ucdavis/login/?pf=5 , where you can view it.
  2. In the first days of a month your UC Davis DaFIS/KFS accounts will be billed processed.
    Please note that the billing date (‘completed’) is recorded and that this is sufficient for expiring grants. The final processing can occur after the deadline (usually up to two months).

Other UC system customers:

  1. Once data are delivered to you, the project billing information will be entered
  2. into the secure PPMS system at https://ppms.us/ucdavis/login/?pf=5
  3. , where you can view it.
  4. In the middle of the following month the UC inter-campus transaction system will bill your account via an ITF.

Non UC-customers (academic, non-profit and industry):

  1. Once data are delivered to you, the project billing information will be entered into the secure PPMS system at https://ppms.us/ucdavis/login/?pf=5, where you can view it.
  2. Customers are sent an email notification within the first three days of the following month that lets them know their order is available to pay via credit card for 30 days. This email also requests customers notify our business administration: gccoreadmin@ucdavis.edu (530) 754-9648.
  3. Those that did not pay via credit card during the 30-day period are now manually invoiced and the credit card option in the Cores portal is turned off.
    1. The first days of the month are when invoices are processed by our business administration.
    2. Invoice customers generally receive their invoices after the 15th each month.

The UCD Genome Center accepts money transfers, credit card, and government purchase card (GPC) payments, etc.


The Genome Center Cores (including the DNA Technologies Core) provide services at three recharge rate scales.

  • The University of California rate scale (UC rates) do apply to all projects paid through UC-system accounts.
  • Non-profit/academic rates do apply to all other non-profit research including government projects.
  • The industry rates apply to all projects paid from for-profit businesses or institutions.

Please note that affiliations with universities are not a determining factor with regard to which of the recharge rate scales applies.

Non UC system users, both non-profit and for-profit organizations, can request invoicing (after data delivery) simply by entering the terms “credit card” or “invoice” in the account fields of the submission form. You can also set up a purchase order (a “PO”) beforehand and add the number to your PPMS account.
We require purchase orders only for institutions outside the US.  Please email the POs to our Business Office (gccoreadmin@ucdavis.edu).

A purchase order is a simple  letter from your financial administrators listing the requested services and prices.
It has to include the full contact information of your financial administrators as well as the name and institution of the Principal Investigator (“PI”).
The PO has to state the specific services requested from us – essentially repeating the information provided in quotes from us or from the recharge rate listing from our webpage.
POs should have an ID number on them which your administration can generate according to their preferences.

Please feel free to use your standard PO forms. This purchase order template, with all the required and suggested fields, is a suggestion:  http://dnatech.genomecenter.ucdavis.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/purchase-order-DNATech3_1.doc

Please see this page for more information on POs: http://blog.procurify.com/2013/09/23/all-you-ever-needed-to-know-about-purchase-orders/
We did modify a generic PO template from here: http://www.vertex42.com/ExcelTemplates/excel-purchase-order.html